Texas Hill Country


Our 2018 Wichita Audubon extended field trip to Concan, Texas was well attended, with 22 members making the trip. Concan is in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, which is part of the Edwards Plateau. The predominant trees in the area are ashe juniper and Texas live oak, home to our target bird species Golden-cheeked Warbler and Black-capped Vireo. Due to the extensive karst topography, there are numerous caves in the area that are home to bats and our other target bird species; Cave Swallow. Our home base was Neal’s Lodges along the Frio River, where a birder could spend quite a bit of time birding the amazing and scenic grounds. We birded the area for four full days beginning Friday April 20 and covered several miles walking various trails through this wonderful habitat.

Doris Burnett, Carol & Hal Cumberland, Sharon & John Dilks, Tom Ewert, Lisa Flores, Kevin Groeneweg (trip leader), Bill Langley, Sam & Terry Mannell, Patty & Jim Marlett, Cheryl Miller, Ernie Misek, Sue Ann Nicely, Diane Pedicord, Gayla & Bill Sutton, Sandra Tholen, Rod Wedel, Lisa Weeks.

Text by Kevin Groeneweg. Pictures by Kevin Groeneweg, Jim Marlett, Patty Marlett & Rod Wedel


Extended Field Trip April 20 -23, 2018